Getting Started

Instructions to quickly set up and run the firmware.


Standard Installation

To install the package, run:

pip install -e .

Installation for Jetson

  1. Install Conda:

    chmod +x
    source ~/.bashrc
  2. Create Conda environment and install package:

    conda create --name firmware python=3.11
    conda activate firmware
    make install-dev

Working with CAN

  1. Set up the CAN bus (this might already be happening in a systemctl service):

    sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000
    sudo ip link set can1 up type can bitrate 1000000
    sudo ip link set can... up type can bitrate 1000000
    sudo ifconfig can0 txqueuelen 65536
    sudo ifconfig can1 txqueuelen 65536
    sudo ifconfig can... txqueuelen 65536


To test C++ code and bindings quickly, run:

make build-ext