firmware.scripts package¶
firmware.scripts.bionics_scripts module¶
firmware.scripts.freeze module¶
firmware.scripts.madgwick_imu module¶
firmware.scripts.move_legs module¶
Motor Testing Module for Robot Control.
This module provides functionality to test motors of a robot using a configuration file.
- Functions:
- test_motor(robot: Robot, config: Dict, motor_num: int) -> None:
Test a specific motor of the robot based on the provided configuration.
- main() -> None:
The main function to initialize the robot, zero out its position, and run motor tests.
The script initializes a Robot object with a specific configuration file and setup, then performs motor testing operations.
- Usage:
Run this script directly to execute the main function, which will initialize the robot and run the motor tests.
firmware.scripts.read_error module¶
firmware.scripts.reset module¶
firmware.scripts.robot_controller module¶
Simple robot controller module.
Todo: 1. add config and init 2. full body 3. tests
firmware.scripts.robstride_scripts module¶
Script to test Robstride firmware.
firmware.scripts.show_imu module¶
Simple script to log the IMU values.