Source code for firmware.scripts.move_legs

"""Motor Testing Module for Robot Control.

This module provides functionality to test motors of a robot using a configuration file.

    test_motor(robot: Robot, config: Dict, motor_num: int) -> None:
        Test a specific motor of the robot based on the provided configuration.

    main() -> None:
        The main function to initialize the robot, zero out its position, and run motor tests.

The script initializes a Robot object with a specific configuration file and setup,
then performs motor testing operations.

    Run this script directly to execute the main function, which will initialize
    the robot and run the motor tests.

import math
import time
from typing import Dict, List

from firmware.robot.robot import Robot

# Utility functions
[docs] def degrees_to_radians(degrees: float) -> float: return degrees * (3.14159 / 180)
[docs] def test_motor(robot: Robot, config: Dict, motor_num: int) -> None: robot.test_motor(config["motors"][motor_num], sign=config["signs"][motor_num])
[docs] def test_torque_control(robot: Robot, config: Dict) -> None: # In an ideal world, kt would actually be the torque constant, but we're using it as a scaling factor integral_errors: List[int] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] last_errors: List[int] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] global last_t last_t = time.time() def calculate_motor_current( pos_desired: int, pos_current: int, speed_desired: int, speed_current: int, torque_ff: int, integral_err_key: int, kp: int = 2.5, ki: int = 1, kd: int = 1.5, kt: int = 10, ) -> int: # control_effort = (kp * (pos_desired - pos_current) + kd * (speed_desired - speed_current) + torque_ff) / kt # return control_effort global last_t current_t = time.time() dt = current_t - last_t last_t = current_t pos_error = pos_desired - pos_current speed_error = speed_desired - speed_current p_term = kp * pos_error integral_errors[integral_err_key] += pos_error * dt integral_errors[integral_err_key] = max(-100, min(100, integral_errors[integral_err_key])) i_term = ki * integral_errors[integral_err_key] d_term = kd * (speed_error - last_errors[integral_err_key]) / dt if dt > 0 else 0 last_errors[integral_err_key] = speed_error control_effort = p_term + i_term + d_term + torque_ff control_effort /= kt return control_effort i_max = 40 desired_positions: List[int] = [30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] while True: for motor_num in range(6): motor = config["motors"][motor_num] pos_current = motor.position speed_current = motor.speed # print(f"Motor {motor_num}: position={pos_current} speed={speed_current}") if motor_num < 2: torque_ff = 400 * math.sin(pos_current) else: torque_ff = 0 control_effort = calculate_motor_current( desired_positions[motor_num], pos_current, 0, speed_current, torque_ff, motor_num ) error = pos_current - desired_positions[motor_num] print(f"Motor {motor_num} error: {error} control effort: {control_effort}") if abs(control_effort) > i_max: control_effort = control_effort // abs(control_effort) * i_max motor.set_position_current_control(control_effort) motor.update_position() motor.update_speed()
[docs] def main() -> None: print("Initializing") robot = Robot(config_path="../robot/config.yaml", setup="mini_legs") print("Initialized") robot.zero_out() robot.test_motors(low=0, high=30) robot.motor_config["right_leg"]["motors"][0].set_position(3.14 / 4) time.sleep(10) # config = robot.motor_config["right_leg"] # test_torque_control(robot, config) # test_motor(robot, config, 3) robot.disable_motors()
[docs] def mac() -> None: def calculate_motor_current( pos_desired: int, pos_current: int, speed_desired: int, speed_current: int, torque_ff: int, kp: int = 15, kd: int = 0.5, kt: int = 25, ) -> int: control_effort = (kp * (pos_desired - pos_current) + kd * (speed_desired - speed_current) + torque_ff) / kt return control_effort test_position = 60 pos_current = 0 while True: speed_current = 0 torque_ff = 0 control_effort = calculate_motor_current(test_position, pos_current, 0, speed_current, torque_ff) print(f"Motor error: {pos_current - test_position} control effort: {control_effort}") pos_current += 1 if pos_current > 60: pos_current = 0 time.sleep(0.4)
if __name__ == "__main__": # mac() main()