Source code for firmware.scripts.robot_controller

"""Simple robot controller module.

1. add config and init
2. full body
3. tests

import logging
import math
import time
from typing import Dict, List

import can

from firmware.bionic_motors.model import Arm, Body, Leg
from firmware.bionic_motors.motors import BionicMotor, CANInterface
from firmware.bionic_motors.utils import NORMAL_STRENGTH

[docs] def rad_to_deg(rad: float) -> float: return rad / (math.pi) * 180
[docs] class Robot: def __init__(self, setup: str = "left_arm") -> None: # TODO - more init setup self.setup = setup self.can_bus = self._initialize_can_bus() self.body = self._initialize_body() self.motor_config = self._initialize_motor_config() self.prev_positions = {} # todo setup new for part, part_config in self.motor_config.items(): self.prev_positions[part] = [] self.delta_change = 10 def _initialize_can_bus(self) -> CANInterface: write_bus = can.interface.Bus(channel="can0", bustype="socketcan") buffer_reader = can.BufferedReader() notifier = can.Notifier(write_bus, [buffer_reader]) return CANInterface(write_bus, buffer_reader, notifier) def _initialize_body(self) -> Body: if self.setup == "full_body": return Body( left_arm=self._create_arm("left", start_id=1), right_arm=self._create_arm("right", start_id=7), left_leg=self._create_leg("left", start_id=13), right_leg=self._create_leg("right", start_id=19), ) elif self.setup == "left_arm": return Body(left_arm=self._create_arm("left", start_id=1)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported setup: {self.setup}") def _create_arm(self, side: str, start_id: int) -> Arm: return Arm( rotator_cuff=BionicMotor(start_id, NORMAL_STRENGTH.ARM_PARAMS, self.can_bus), shoulder=BionicMotor(start_id + 1, NORMAL_STRENGTH.ARM_PARAMS, self.can_bus), bicep=BionicMotor(start_id + 2, NORMAL_STRENGTH.ARM_PARAMS, self.can_bus), elbow=BionicMotor(start_id + 3, NORMAL_STRENGTH.ARM_PARAMS, self.can_bus), wrist=BionicMotor(start_id + 4, NORMAL_STRENGTH.ARM_PARAMS, self.can_bus), gripper=BionicMotor(start_id + 5, NORMAL_STRENGTH.GRIPPERS_PARAMS, self.can_bus), ) def _create_leg(self, side: str, start_id: int) -> Leg: return Leg( hip=BionicMotor(start_id, NORMAL_STRENGTH.ARM_PARAMS, self.can_bus), ankle=BionicMotor(start_id + 1, NORMAL_STRENGTH.ARM_PARAMS, self.can_bus), ) def _initialize_motor_config(self) -> Dict[str, Dict]: config = {} # TODO update actual positions for part in ["left_arm", "right_arm", "left_leg", "right_leg"]: if hasattr(self.body, part): config[part] = { "motors": getattr(self.body, part).motors, "signs": [1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1], "increments": [4] * len(getattr(self.body, part).motors), "maximum_values": [60, 60, 60, 60, 0, 10], "offsets": [0] * len(getattr(self.body, part).motors), } return config
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_motor_values(values: List[float], max_val: List[float]) -> List[float]: for idx, (val, maxes) in enumerate(zip(values, max_val)): if abs(val) > abs(maxes): values[idx] = val // abs(val) * maxes return values
[docs] def zero_out(self) -> None: for part, part_config in self.motor_config.items(): for motor in part_config["motors"]: motor.set_zero_position() time.sleep(0.001) motor.update_position(0.25)"Part {motor.motor_id} at {motor.position}")
[docs] def set_position(self, new_positions: Dict[str, List[float]], offset: Dict[str, List[float]] = None) -> None: for part, positions in new_positions.items(): config = self.motor_config[part] if offset: for idx, (pos, off) in enumerate(zip(positions, offset[part])): positions[idx] = pos - off positions = [rad_to_deg(pos) for pos in positions] positions = [val - off for val, off in zip(positions, config["offsets"])] positions = self.filter_motor_values(positions, config["maximum_values"]) for i, (old, new) in enumerate(zip(self.prev_positions[part], positions)): if abs(new - old) > self.delta_change: positions[i] = old for motor, pos, sign in zip(config["motors"], positions, config["signs"]): motor.set_position(sign * int(pos), 0, 0) if "arm" in part: gripper_pos = self.calculate_gripper_position(positions[-1]) config["motors"][-1].set_position(gripper_pos, 0, 0)"Setting {part} position to {positions}") self.prev_positions[part] = positions
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_gripper_position(val: float) -> float: gripper_pos = val * -90 / 0.04 return max(min(gripper_pos, 0), -90)
[docs] def get_motor_positions(self) -> Dict[str, List[float]]: return {part: [motor.position for motor in config["motors"]] for part, config in self.motor_config.items()}