"""Robot class for controlling a robot that is motor agnostic."""
import math
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
import can
import yaml
import firmware.robstride_motors.client as robstride
from firmware.bionic_motors.motors import CANInterface
from firmware.motor_utils.motor_factory import MotorFactory
from firmware.motor_utils.motor_utils import MotorInterface
from firmware.robot.model import Arm, Body, Leg
def rad_to_deg(rad: float) -> float:
return rad / math.pi * 180
def deg_to_rad(deg: float) -> float:
return deg * math.pi / 180
class Robot:
def __init__(self, config_path: str = "config.yaml", setup: str = "full_body") -> None:
with open(config_path, "r") as config_file:
config = yaml.safe_load(config_file)
self.config = next(robot for robot in config["robots"] if robot["setup"] == setup)
print("Loaded config")
self.setup = setup
self.delta_change = self.config["delta_change"]
self.communication_interfaces = self._initialize_communication_interfaces()
print("Initialized communication interfaces")
self.body = self._initialize_body()
self.motor_config = self._initialize_motor_config()
self.prev_positions: dict = {part: [] for part in self.motor_config}
def _initialize_communication_interfaces(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Initialize communication interfaces for each body part.
A dictionary mapping body parts to their communication interfaces
interfaces: Any = {}
for part, config in self.config["body_parts"].items():
canbus_id = config.get("canbus_id", 0)
if self.config["motor_type"] == "bionic":
interfaces[part] = self._initialize_can_interface(canbus_id)
elif self.config["motor_type"] == "robstride":
interfaces[part] = robstride.Client(can.interface.Bus(channel=f"can{canbus_id}", bustype="socketcan"))
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported motor type: {self.config['motor_type']}")
return interfaces
def _initialize_can_interface(self, canbus_id: int) -> CANInterface:
"""Initialize a CAN interface for a given CAN bus ID.
canbus_id: The ID of the CAN bus
A CAN interface for the given CAN bus ID (used for Bionic motors)
write_bus = can.interface.Bus(channel=f"can{canbus_id}", bustype="socketcan")
buffer_reader = can.BufferedReader()
notifier = can.Notifier(write_bus, [buffer_reader])
return CANInterface(write_bus, buffer_reader, notifier)
def _create_motor(self, part: str, motor_id: int, control_params: Any) -> MotorInterface:
"""Create a motor for a given body part and motor ID.
part: The body part the motor is attached to
motor_id: The ID of the motor
control_params: The control parameters for the motor
A motor interface for the given body part and motor ID
return MotorFactory.create_motor(
self.config["motor_type"], motor_id, control_params, self.communication_interfaces[part]
def _initialize_body(self) -> Body:
"""Initialize the body of the robot.
A Body object representing the robot's body
body_parts: dict = {}
for part, config in self.config["body_parts"].items():
if part.endswith("_arm"):
body_parts[part] = self._create_arm(part, config["start_id"], config["dof"])
elif part.endswith("_leg"):
body_parts[part] = self._create_leg(part, config["start_id"], config["dof"])
return Body(**body_parts)
def _create_arm(self, part: str, start_id: int, dof: int) -> Arm:
"""Create an arm for a given body part.
part: The body part the arm is attached to
start_id: The ID of the first motor in the arm
dof: The degrees of freedom of the arm
TODO: Combine with _create_leg
motors = []
for i in range(dof):
control_params = self._get_motor_params(start_id + i)
motors.append(self._create_motor(part, start_id + i, control_params))
return Arm(motors=motors)
def _create_leg(self, part: str, start_id: int, dof: int) -> Leg:
"""Create a leg for a given body part.
part: The body part the leg is attached to
start_id: The ID of the first motor in the leg
dof: The degrees of freedom of the leg
motors = []
for i in range(dof):
control_params = self._get_motor_params(start_id + i)
motors.append(self._create_motor(part, start_id + i, control_params))
return Leg(motors=motors)
def _get_motor_params(self, motor_id: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Get the parameters for a motor by pulling from default parameters and overriding with specific parameters.
motor_id: The ID of the motor
The parameters for the given motor
default_params = next(param for param in self.config["params"] if param["motor_id"] == "default")
specific_params = next((param for param in self.config["params"] if param["motor_id"] == motor_id), None)
if specific_params:
temp = {**default_params, **specific_params}
return temp
temp = default_params.copy()
return temp
def _initialize_motor_config(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Initialize the motor configuration for the robot. Signs are reversed for left body parts.
A dictionary mapping body parts to their motor configurations
motor_config = {}
for part, part_config in self.config["body_parts"].items():
if hasattr(self.body, part):
part_type = "arm" if "arm" in part else "leg"
dof = part_config["dof"]
signs = self.config["motor_config"][part_type]["signs"][:dof]
if part.startswith("left"):
signs = [-s for s in signs]
motor_config[part] = {
"motors": getattr(self.body, part).motors,
"signs": signs,
"increments": self.config["motor_config"][part_type]["increments"][:dof],
"maximum_values": self.config["motor_config"][part_type]["maximum_values"][:dof],
"offsets": self.config["motor_config"][part_type]["offsets"][:dof],
return motor_config
def filter_motor_values(values: List[float], max_val: List[float]) -> List[float]:
"""Filter motor values to ensure they do not exceed the maximum values.
values: The values to filter
max_val: The maximum values for each motor
The filtered values
for idx, (val, maxes) in enumerate(zip(values, max_val)):
if abs(val) > abs(maxes):
values[idx] = val // abs(val) * maxes
return values
def test_motors(
self, low: int = 0, high: int = 10, total_sign: int = 1, radians: bool = False, timeout: float = 0.1
) -> None:
"""Test all motors by setting them to a range of values from low to high.
low: The lower bound of the range
high: The upper bound of the range
total_sign: The total sign to apply to the motors
radians: Whether the values should be interpreted as radians
timeout: Time to sleep in between sets
for part, config in self.motor_config.items():
for motor, sign in zip(config["motors"], config["signs"]):
for val in range(low, high + 1):
if not radians:
set_val = deg_to_rad(float(val))
set_val = val
motor.set_position(total_sign * sign * set_val)
for val in range(high, low - 1, -1):
if not radians:
set_val = deg_to_rad(float(val))
set_val = val
motor.set_position(total_sign * sign * set_val)
def zero_out(self) -> None:
"""Zero out all motors."""
for part, part_config in self.motor_config.items():
for motor in part_config["motors"]:
def disable_motors(self) -> None:
"""Disable all motors (only available for Robstride motors)."""
if self.config["motor_type"] == "robstride":
for part, part_config in self.motor_config.items():
for motor in part_config["motors"]:
def update_motor_data(self) -> None:
"""Update the position and speed of all motors."""
if self.config["motor_type"] == "bionic":
for part, part_config in self.motor_config.items():
for motor in part_config["motors"]:
def set_position(
new_positions: Dict[str, List[float]],
offset: Union[Dict[str, List[float]], None] = None,
radians: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Set the position of the robot to a new position.
new_positions: The new positions for each body part as a dictionary like {"right_leg": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}
offset: The offset to apply to the new positions (optional), formatted the same as new_positions
radians: Whether the values should be interpreted as radians (optional)
for part, positions in new_positions.items():
if part not in self.motor_config:
raise ValueError(f"Part {part} not in motor config")
config = self.motor_config[part]
if offset:
positions = [pos - off for pos, off in zip(positions, offset[part])]
if radians:
positions = [rad_to_deg(pos) for pos in positions]
positions = [val - off for val, off in zip(positions, config["offsets"])]
positions = self.filter_motor_values(positions, config["maximum_values"])
# for i, (old, new) in enumerate(zip(self.prev_positions[part], positions)):
# if abs(new - old) > self.delta_change:
# positions[i] = old
for motor, pos, sign in zip(config["motors"], positions, config["signs"]):
motor.set_position(sign * pos)
def get_motor_speeds(self) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
"""Get the speeds of all motors."""
return {part: [motor.get_speed() for motor in config["motors"]] for part, config in self.motor_config.items()}
def get_motor_positions(self) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
"""Get the positions of all motors."""
return {
part: [motor.get_position() * sign for motor, sign in zip(config["motors"], config["signs"])]
for part, config in self.motor_config.items()
def calibrate_motors(self) -> None:
"""Calibrate all motors."""
for part, config in self.motor_config.items():
for motor in config["motors"]: