Source code for firmware.robstride_motors.motors

"""Defines a class that dictates how to communicate with the motors.

Modified to work with Robstride motors.
TODO: create a generic motor class that can work with any motor type.

import time
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any

import firmware.robstride_motors.client as robstride
from firmware.motor_utils.motor_utils import MotorInterface, MotorParams

[docs] @dataclass class RobstrideParams(MotorParams): limit_torque: float cur_kp: float cur_ki: float cur_fit_gain: float limit_spd: float limit_cur: float loc_kp: float spd_kp: float spd_ki: float spd_filt_gain: float
[docs] class RobstrideMotor(MotorInterface): """A class to interface with a motor over a CAN bus.""" CALIBRATION_SPEED = 0.5 # rad/s def __init__(self, motor_id: int, control_params: RobstrideParams, client: robstride.Client) -> None: """Initializes the motor. Args: motor_id: The ID of the motor. control_params: The control parameters for the motor. client: The CAN bus interface. """ super().__init__(motor_id, control_params, client) self.disable() self.set_operation_mode(robstride.RunMode.Position) self.enable() self.get_position() self.set_control_params() print(f"Motor {motor_id} initialized")
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: self.communication_interface.disable(self.motor_id)
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: self.communication_interface.enable(self.motor_id)
[docs] def set_control_params(self) -> None: for param, value in self.control_params.__dict__.items(): self.communication_interface.write_param(self.motor_id, param, value)
[docs] def set_operation_mode(self, mode: robstride.RunMode) -> None: """Sets the operation mode of the motor to position, speed, or current control! Args: mode: The mode to set the motor to. """ self.communication_interface.write_param(self.motor_id, "run_mode", mode) self.communication_interface.enable(self.motor_id)
[docs] def set_position(self, position: float, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Sets the position of the motor using force position hybrid control. Args: position: The position to set the motor to. kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the motor. """ resp = self.communication_interface.write_param(self.motor_id, "loc_ref", position) self.position = resp.angle
[docs] def set_zero_position(self) -> None: """Sets the zero position of the motor.""" _ = self.communication_interface.zero_pos(self.motor_id) self.set_position(0)
[docs] def get_position(self) -> float: """Updates the value of the motor's position attribute. Args: wait_time: how long to wait for a response from the motor read_only: whether to read the position value or not Returns: "Valid" if the message is valid, "Invalid" otherwise """ resp = self.communication_interface.read_param(self.motor_id, "mechpos") if type(resp) is float: self.position = resp return self.position
[docs] def get_speed(self) -> float: """Updates the value of the motor's speed attribute. Args: wait_time: how long to wait for a response from the motor read_only: whether to read the speed value or not Returns: "Valid" if the message is valid, "Invalid" otherwise """ resp = self.communication_interface.read_param(self.motor_id, "mechvel") if type(resp) is float: self.speed = resp return self.speed
[docs] def get_current(self) -> float: """Updates the value of the motor's current attribute. Args: wait_time: how long to wait for a response from the motor read_only: whether to read the current value or not Returns: "Valid" if the message is valid, "Invalid" otherwise """ resp = self.communication_interface.read_param(self.motor_id, "iqf") if type(resp) is float: self.current = resp return self.current
[docs] def set_current(self, current: float) -> None: """Sets the current of the motor. Args: current: The current to set the motor to. """ self.communication_interface.write_param(self.motor_id, "iq_ref", current)
[docs] def set_speed(self, speed: float) -> None: """Sets the speed of the motor. Args: speed: The speed to set the motor to in rad/s. """ self.communication_interface.write_param(self.motor_id, "spd_ref", speed)
[docs] def calibrate(self, current_limit: float = 10) -> None: """Calibrates the motor assuming the existence of hard stops. Args: current_limit: The current limit to use during calibration. """ print(f"Calibrating {self}...") # Set run mode to speed self.set_operation_mode(robstride.RunMode.Speed) # Set speed and check for stall self.set_speed(self.CALIBRATION_SPEED) while abs(self.get_current()) < current_limit: print(f"Current: {self.get_current()}") time.sleep(0.1) # Set speed to 0 self.set_speed(0) # Read position and set as high high = self.get_position() print(f"High: {high}") # Set speed and check for stall self.set_speed(-self.CALIBRATION_SPEED) time.sleep(0.1) while abs(self.get_current()) < current_limit: print(f"Current: {self.get_current()}") time.sleep(0.1) # Set speed to 0 self.set_speed(0) # Read position and set as low low = self.get_position() print(f"Low: {low}") # Set run mode to position self.set_operation_mode(robstride.RunMode.Position) setpoint = (high + low) / 2 # Set zero position self.set_position(setpoint) print(f"Zeroing at {setpoint}") while abs(self.get_position() - setpoint) > 0.01: time.sleep(0.1) self.set_zero_position() print(f"{self} calibrated")
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"RobstrideMotor ({self.motor_id})"